1999 National Championships
Still Rings Report
Jim Hartung
Fred Orlofsky
Ken Freidheim
Jon Boulton
Dean Schott
Michael Cook
The 1999 National Championships consisted of two rounds of
competition. The preliminary round of competition was held on Wednesday, August
25, 1999. All around finals were held on Friday August 27, 1999. Hartung and
Orlofsky were the A panel judges. Freidheim, Boulton, Schott and Cook were the B
panel judges. FIG rules were used with special USA bonus points.
This report contains a routine description from the All Around
finals session from the top 18 all around competitors. Start values, USA bonus,
and final scores from both rounds are listed, but the routine description and
notes are from the All Around Finals session.
The routine descriptions came from the judging symbols that
Michael Cook used during his B panel evaluation of the routines.
The routine notes came from discussions and a consensus among
all the judges of the Rings panel.
Name |
Start Value
Final Score |
AA/ R |
Routine |
Blaine Wilson |
10 .2
10 .3 |
9.6 |
1 |
Back uprise planche, back uprise maltese, shoot to
inverted cross, back uprise maltese, kip, L, press HS, shoot handstand,
back uprise HS, dislocate through HS, full twisting double layout
Stuck dismount. Small deductions on kip and on press
handstand. High entry and hold positions on inverted cross. Borderline
short holds. |
John Roethlisberger |
9.9 .1
9.9 .1 |
9.3 |
2 |
Forward roll, inlocate, back uprise inverted cross, back
uprise inverted cross, back uprise handstand, piked guzhogy, guzhogy,
shoot handstand, dislocate through handstand, full twisting double back
E credit for both inverted crosses, with deduction for
false grip. Medium deduction on shoot handstand. |
Brett McClure |
9.6 .1
9.6 .2 |
8.9 |
7 |
Dislocate, shoot to handstand, inverted cross, back uprise
handstand, piked guzhogy, guzhogy, guzhogy, shoot to support, L press
handstand, double layout with full twist.
Stuck dismount. Medium deduction on inverted. Bent arms,
swinging of rings on shoot to support and press handstand. Slight pike on
dismount. |
Guard Young |
9.2 .2
9.0 .1 |
8.4 |
10 |
Forward roll, kip, planche, shoot handstand, inverted
cross, layout honma to cross, inlocate, back uprise handstand, shoot
handstand, double layout with full twist.
Planche was too high to award D value maltese credit. Low
start value. Small deductions on swing work. |
Sean Townsend |
9.5 .1
9.9 .2 |
9.0 |
9 |
Back uprise maltese, shoot to inverted cross, guzhogy,
guzhogy, shoot to cross, dislocate, shoot to handstand, back uprise
handstand, dislocate through handstand, full twisting double layout.
Medium deduction on maltese and 2 medium deductions on
shoot to inverted cross. C credit and connection bonus for shoot to cross. |
Jay Thornton |
9.8 .1
9.4 |
8.2 |
12 |
Dislocate shoot to inverted cross, shoot to inverted
cross, guzhogy, shoot to handstand, piked guzhogy, shoot to support, press
handstand, shoot to handstand, double tuck with full twist.
D credit for 2nd inverted cross due to coming
in too high, so no connection between first and 2nd inverted
crosses, however, connection awarded for 2nd inverted to
guzhogy. |
Yewki Tomita |
9.0 |
8.45 |
15 |
Dislocate, shoot handstand, inverted cross, back uprise
straddle planche, L press handstand, back uprise handstand, guzhogy,
guzhogy, double back with full twist tucked.
Large error on inverted cross. |
Chris Young |
9.5 |
8.1 |
27 |
Back uprise planche, inverted hang, inlocate, kip, L press
handstand, back uprise handstand, shoot handstand, piked guzhogy, guzhogy,
guzhogy, double back with full twist tucked.
Planche was too high for maltese credit. Medium deductions
on guzhogys. |
Stephen McCain |
9.9 .1
9.9 .1 |
9.25 |
3 |
Dislocate, shoot to inverted cross, back uprise to
inverted cross, back uprise handstand, piked guzhogy, guzhogy, shoot
handstand, back uprise handstand, shoot handstand, double layout.
E credit for both inverted crosses with small deductions
for position and false grip. Small deduction for piking on dismount. |
John Macready |
9.3 .1
9.3 .1 |
8.4 |
12 |
Dislocate, shoot handstand, back uprise handstand, piked
guzhogy, guzhogy, front uprise to L cross, back kip, L press handstand,
dislocate through handstand, double layout with full twist.
Medium deductions on L cross, back kip, and press, small
deduction for piking on dismount. Medium deduction on 2nd
Guzhogy. |
Paul Hamm |
9.5 .1
9.5 .2 |
8.9 |
8 |
Forward roll, back uprise straddle planche, guzhogy, shoot
handstand, piked guzhogy, guzhogy, shoot to support, L, press handstand,
back uprise handstand, double layout with full twist.
Small deductions on guzhogys. Medium deduction for piking
on dismount. |
Scott Vetere |
9.9 .1
9.9 .1 |
9.3 |
4 |
Dislocate shoot to handstand, back uprise handstand, back
uprise inverted cross, back uprise planche, back uprise maltese, back
uprise maltese, back uprise L, press handstand, double layout.
Small deductions on all strength parts. |
Jim Foody |
9.0 |
8.3 |
20 |
Kip to support, cross, inverted hang, dislocate, shoot
handstand, back uprise handstand, piked guzhogy, guzhogy, dislocate,
double back with full twist tucked.
Small deduction for position and false grip on cross.
Small deduction on piked guzgohy, medium deduction on guzhogy. |
Doug Stibel |
9.5 |
7.8 |
18 |
Inlocate, kip, maltese, shoot to inverted cross, guzhogy,
shoot to handstand, back uprise handstand, shoot to handstand, guzhogy,
nonrecognized attempted dismount.
Questionable bonus for 2nd guzhogy because
shoot to handstand was repeated and was performed once for bonus. |
Mike Moran |
9.8 .1
9.8 .1 |
8.8 |
5 |
Forward roll, back uprise inverted cross, back uprise
inverted cross, guzhogy, shoot handstand, back uprise handstand, piked
guzhogy, dislocate, dislocate, double layout.
Medium deductions on both inverted crosses and shoot to
handstand. E credit awarded for both inverted crosses. |
Morgan Hamm |
9.2 |
8.3 |
23 |
Forward roll, back uprise straddle planche, L press
handstand, inverted cross, shoot handstand, back uprise handstand, guzhogy,
guzhogy, double back with full twist tucked.
Medium deduction on inverted cross and front giant. Small
deduction on straddle planche. Medium deduction on inverted cross. Small
deduction on shoot to handstand. Small deductions on guzhogys. |
Izy Mlay |
9.4 .1
9.4 .2 |
8.9 |
10 |
Kip, maltese, shoot handstand, inverted cross, layout
yamawaki, back uprise handstand, back uprise handstand, dislocate, full
twisting double layout.
-.1 from difficulty for missing 1 A part. Bonus for stuck
dismount. |
Walter Jaramillo |
9.0 |
7.7 |
31 |
Back uprise planche, back uprise straddle planche, L,
press HS, guzhogy, shoot handstand, back uprise handstand, guzgohy, double
back with full twist tucked.
Deduction for bent arm pull to inverted hang. Planche was
too high for maltese credit. No connection between planches due to not
directly connected. Questionable bonus for 2nd guzhogy because
planche is considered same element as straddled planche and one planche
was performed for bonus. Also, possibly short A value parts. |
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